Sunday, April 6, 2008

Meaning, Mischief and Mayhem

If there is one thing I have learned from the different classes I have taken and the books I have read, it would be that we, as human beings, are meaning making machines. I believe it starts in infancy as we learn language. I think that when we teach childeren language we teach them to label things. For instance when we point an say "That is a tree" what we are really doing is teaching a label. It would be better to say "We call that a tree." (Thank you Eckart Tolle for that distinction)

Why is this distinction important? What is the difference between saying that is what we call it vs. that is what it is? Because things are more than what we call them. Is an accountant just an accountant? No, they are mothers and fathers, friends, brothers, sisters and so on. Yet even those are labels. We are more than what any one word can describe us. So much more. We are more precious than any gem and far more valuable. You cannot put a label on it.

So why do we do this to one another? Think about it.

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