Friday, April 4, 2008

Happiness Now

I can't believe how happy I've been for the last few days. It has truly been awesome. Living in the moment has certainly made a difference. Being focused on being present really keeps what is important in the forefront of my mind. Have I had trying stuff happen? Oh yeah. But I didn't let it impact me. In fact this has probably been one of the most mentally trying weeks I've had in a while, but by really keeping to the present moment I found that I could be happy in the face of any circumstance.

I've created a series of questions for when I'm feeling frustrated or worrying about something that is not in the present moment. (This could be past of future.)

Can I do anything about this situation?

No? Then it will take care of itself, and I switch my thinking back to the present moment.

Yes? Can I do something about it right now?

No. Then make a note of what to do later and when.

Yes. Then do it.

So far, it's working great. It is particularly useful at work. I find that when I begin to fret about something getting done, I just go through the questions and it make stuff so much easier. What do I have to fret about if I can do something about it, and I do! What a concept! Can't do anything about it now? Make a list so you will remember to do it later.

But watch out for the list trap. Don't become obsessed with it! I have watched my friends go crazy with this part. They write their lists then freak out when they can't get anything done. When the reality is they spend so much time in freak out mode they waste time they could be DOING something about what they are fretting about. It makes me crazy! It is crazy. So the next time you find yourself spending time worrying about getting something done, stop worrying and get it done! I guarantee that a majority of projects that don't get done are not because of an inadequate amount of time, but because of time wasted.

Okay, enough lecture. . . just enjoy the moment.

Perfect example: I hate doing dishes! HATE IT! and yet again I found myself doing dishes yesterday. Grrr. I thought to myself, "I don't like this! I hope my roommate realizes how much I love them because I'm doing these dishes I hate. " As soon as that thought crossed my mind it dawned on me. This is an act of love. Me standing here, doing dishes is an act of love. WOW! So now, in this present moment I have 2 choices. 1. I can continue my thoughts about how I hate doing dishes, or 2. I can change my thinking and do this loving and thoughtful act for my roommate. So I chose to be present to the love I have for my roomie and do the dishes as an act of love.

It was awesome. I finished the dishes very quickly and I felt lighthearted and free. Such a change. Now if I can only keep this thought the next time I do dishes! Of course I'll have to keep recreating it until it becomes a part of who I am. With any luck it won't be too bad.

Well, that's enought for now.

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