Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Meaning, Mischief and Mayhem part 2

So why do we label one another? That is the supreme question. I often wonder when I find myself labeling someone. It seems to happen in an instant, and the damage is done. I have slapped a label on a person that singles them out and marks them as "other". And so begins the separation of me from them. And with that separation comes pain. The kind that causes me to lash out at them in one way or another. Sometimes I feel that the lashing out is in response to the separation itself. We push one another away, then lash out in pain at the separation.

Such a paradox, this need to separate ourselves then lash out at the separation. But perhaps it is this separation that lets us see ourselves fully for the first time. Maybe we need to feel our aloneness so that we can fully grasp our connection to others. I wonder sometimes if we are pre-programed to separate so that we may come back together, but somewhere in the past we forgot this as our purpose. We separate, then never reconnect.

Neal Donald Walsh has an amazing book called "Little Soul in the Sun". It is a children's book that talks about our conversation to God prior to our coming to earth. It talks of how we decide we want to learn lessons and that we make agreements with other beings coming to this planet to help us learn these lessons. I say I want to learn forgiveness when I come to this place of existence. You tell me you will help me learn forgiveness, but to remember that in helping me learn this lesson not to forget our love for one another.

Such a beautiful way to express our contracts with one another. It shows how much we need one another to fulfil them. Even if it means causing us pain.

And yet when I get to this planet and I encounter you on the freeway and you cut in front of my car . . . I forget my agreement completely. I not only lash out, but I refuse to forgive you and in so doing refuse to forgive any other driver on the road for the future. Creating more and more separation. Can you feel it? The distance between you and me? However, this is nothing more than illusion. There can be no separation.

For according to the law of conservation of energy states that energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. We are all made up of energy, so in my inception, I was not created from nothing, I was just a new form of the energy that was already available on this planet, the same as you are. We are created from the same energy.

All the matter in our universe and beyond is connected. So no matter how much you try, there can be no separation. None.

So how can we begin to tear appart this illusion of separation and begin to feel the connection? Think on it.

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